Navigate360: Getting Started

Navigate360 contains sensitive information that is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). WWU adheres to FERPA guidelines by implementing security measures to ensure confidentiality of student data. All users are required to have Navigate360 training and approval from several offices before getting access to the system.  

Please review WWU’s FERPA explanation, Code of Responsibility guidelines, and the procedures below before requesting access. 

Steps to User Account Access

Step 1

The employee submits a Navigate360 Access Request e-sign form to their Department Approver: e.g. Department Head, Dean, Director or Supervisor.

Step 2 

If approved, the supervisor sends the form to

Step 3 

The employee receives an invitation and attends a Navigate360 training session. 

Step 4 

The Student Success Initiatives designee approves the e-sign form and forwards it to

Step 5 

The Registrar’s Office verifies the completion of the Navigate360 e-sign form, updates the user’s record and role in the Banner system, and locks the form. 

Step 6 

The employee receives an email that the form is locked, and they get access to Navigate360 in 48 hours. 


After Account Access

After you get access to Navigate360, please visit the Knowledge Base which provides resources and an FAQ for active users.